YouConvey Blog

How to make yourself stand out as a buyer

How to make yourself stand out as a buyer

Although buying a home can be one of the most exciting times in your life, it can also be pretty stressful when things don’t go your way. The property market can be an extremely competitive one, especially if you’re on the hunt for a house in a desirable location....

Top tips on saving for a deposit

Top tips on saving for a deposit

With the current increased mortgage rates and the end of the government’s Help to Buy scheme, saving for a house deposit may seem like a daunting prospect. However, there’s plenty of ways to make your savings grow faster. The key is knowing how to cut costs and where...

A complete guide to mortgages

A complete guide to mortgages

A complete guide to mortgages    Mortgages are a big part of owning a home for the majority of homeowners, however they can be confusing and many people don't really know how they work. In this guide we’ll take you through all the basics of mortgages to explain...